with submittals for our humble little publication, Cheap Seats Ticket to Ride, we “editors” come again and again to
the conundrum: what is poetry? What is currently acceptable, accessible,
pleasing in rhythm to the ear and presentation to the eye? Tactile, ephemeral, esoteric
subject matter? This could become quite a list…
who blithely profess to be “poets” or those who have the so called “ability” by
virtue of academically bestowed laurels
(bestowed by those who wouldn’t know a couplet from a wood louse) to adjudicate
others’ “poetism” will claim: poetry is what the writer wants it to be—no
rules, no criteria, whatever dribbles from the inky end of a pen. Well, this
just sounds like so much lazy socialist manure…and yet, indeed, it must be
considered, because there is (in other than the pointless, frustrated rantings
and wailings of poetry societies) no guidelines for what is, acceptable
writing—what is truly “poetry.” Sure glad there’s a level of competence
required for my plumber…
“poetry” ends up being a wandering, ego-stroke, pass-time of no apparent value;
which it has obviously shown itself to be, more and more over these last many
rise above the hemorrhoidal discomfort of sloppy writing, the acceptance model
of any chicken scratchings as “poetry”—and publication by most (unqualified) ‘zines
of any and all of these guano dribblings that flow into their mail box?…stay
tuned and we’ll explore the becoming of an accepted, real-deal poetry student.
Max tdc