Friday, October 3, 2014

Cheap Seats Ticket to Ride

It does, it truly does resemble a
“Ticket Book.” About 3-1/2 x 8-1/2
inches, end stapled with gitchy
board covers; we’re talking about,
Cheap Seats Ticket to Ride. (I did
promise “more, soon”…did I not?)

This conveniently sized print
slips neatly into a standard #10 envelope and is mailed using one-ounce postage. Suspiciously (auspiciously) sized much like another, ultra-nifty publication: 
bear creek haiku.
Here are just a few selections
and partials from the dozen
or so Cheap Seat writers…

“barking loud enough
to scare dogs
sandhill cranes arrive;
honking like traffic jams,
Canada geese
on the next flight”

                 Michael Conner
                 Tahoka, Tx

“if I could design words
that would disappear and
your image on the page
I would have drained
the wells of ink by now…

…yet everything
is as should be
for if the words
the page
and time
could contain
and define you
I would be without pursuit”

                 steve croisant
                 Grand Junction, CO

"pouring sauce
over spaghetti noodles
eating alone"
"a little radio
falls to the floor—
a deep sigh"

      James D. Fuson
      New Haven, MI

"acceptable losses—
to catch a moth
you have to break a few

            Candi Cooper-Towler
              Longmont, CO

"Ninety-three degrees
Shadow of a butterfly
Sails into mesquite shade"

               Cynthia Sidrane
                Phoenix, AZ


      ayaz daryl nielesen
      Boulder, CO

Just a few.

The writers featured in this issue include some of small press’ heavy hitters: Rhodes, Catlin, Mayfield, Cooper-Towler, etc. ol’ Max hizzelf the ticky-dot-cat, highly recommends you have a look-see. (An SASE, an extra lst class postage stamp within and three bucks will get you guidelines and this first printing.) Worth checking out; a unique publication in which to be seen!
 (No, Virginia, they did not pay me with Taco Bell to say these things …although I can say more on Tuesday for a Taco today.)

Max tdc,
Taco Bell maniac


  1. hi max. took the advice of one phil (pink) wick and dished out a few scribblin's for the seat sheets publication. damned if the bastards didn't up and accept several. that should set the post-literate world back fifty years or so. ain't none of us gettin' outa here alive now. mr. wick knows me well enough to understand i don't care for political correctness, or kissing up to editors, so with that, just wanted to say it was a real nice maiden issue of the cheapest of seats. well, except for that french pastry dude. my guess is he's some rogue wingnut type excommunicated from the nsa. but, hey, everybody needs a hobby. kudos to the authors and editors of sheep cheats for some nice work.

  2. Hey Gom', indeed, we have been warned about "that French pastry dude". We would agree, stratosphere city.
    How kind of you to send us your vibes (we think they are positive?) Know this, your work is more than welcome, glad to have you ride with us--though we don't know who this "pink" is. Couldn't be Wick, he's just a disenchanted ol' mountain climbing lemon-puss. But can he ever write up a storm. He's trying to turn back that post literate plague.
    Are assuming "bastards" refers to: second-rate wine, as we are all paper-bag sippers from the first half of the last Century. And for that astute observation we thank you.
    Keep writin' and keeping the faith...
    Oh by-the-way: we can be bribed. Dinner at Taco Bell usually does it...

    Thanks again, write well. From the Ford Econoline, Max tdc

  3. solid post, appreciate your comments/interaction with Cheap Seats and the van on blocks and! with above-mentioned poets/poetry - best

  4. Daryl, best from all in the van.
    Winter's a comin' and we've gotta stack of wood for the old Vermont Pullman.

    Thank you, Max et al
