Monday, July 20, 2015

for Mr. Frosty
Assistant Editor at
bear creek haiku

Such a sumptuous feast of “poetry” at the
bear creek haiku blogspot. And—I must agree—so few, extolling cats. Sad it is.

Though some may think ol’ p.l. lives with a strange enuff hairless salt & pepper pup, cute though he may be (the pup, not p.l.)—in all actuality p.l.’s mountain lair is over-run with cats (and some sort of hairy muttski to herd and keep them safe.) (The hoary hairy muttski, might indeed be the Mtn. Versifier hizzelf…? They are close enuff in appearance, that even Mrs. Versifier often cannot tell them apart…except the versifier has hairier ears than the dog.
I do rambleth…

So, Mr. Frosty this one, from the dusty
archives, here in Bishop, Calif., is for you.

cans of catfood
almost two-bits 
   some almost four-bits more
now  with gleaming
   spectrum lids
like candy-apple show-car glitz
regal purple
exotic jungle green
sensuous sapphire
mandarin hot-rod
dreamy turquoise
Posey the inky garage ratter
eyes frosting over
whiskers of grey
just wants
plain ol’ dull-stamped
   canned Friskies—
something with fish  please

and a belly rub.

Max tdc


  1. enjoyed your post (almost as much as belly rubs) - might just use your poem in an upcoming post of our (my) own - time for a treat! Frosty

  2. Frosty on, dude. Frosty on... Max

  3. meow! you deserve treats! Froster
