Thursday, March 17, 2016

Okay—it’s been so long…
(gotta few quick jabs right away on that last…)

and I did have to go Mountain Dew raving mad again; (little sorry ‘bout that) so, thought I’d try and find an example of a narrative (personal) type “poem” to cement the premise of today’s last scribble.
   It is possible to express one’s grief, angst, deep-secret private desires in a manner which may interest the broadest spectrum of your selected audience.

Please bear with…

from a friend who lives in the Rockies (prefers hiding out in the woods with the kritters away from the confederacy of dunces (apologies, O’toole)

July 14, 2015 11:59 UTC

Idaho Springs easy-on-easy-off ramp
from the Colorado straight-thru interstate
right there   a McDonalds fast food restaurant
twenty-four hour with drive-window service.
Inside-line waiting for my double cheeseburger
extra cheese   extra pickles   hold the o’—
medium Coke and medium fries for to go.
Clean   appropriately polished   sparkled
wiped-down   swept up  attended by
friendly servers from a multitude of nationalities
and they all speak understandable American—
not just English   but the real-deal Am-er-i-can.
How great does that get…

I let my mind wander as the Hwy noise roars by—
It takes the New Horizons space craft
over six-and-a-half years
to travel from Earth to Pluto
that cold dark-void planet-non-planet
where it will then stream by   out—out
beyond the Kuiper Belt  to where only NASA knows.
Electronic radio transmissions from
this blue speck planet of ours   to Pluto and back
takes nine-hours six minutes and twenty seconds…

So   now   why in the heck
is my burger order taking over
—let’s see—
all of fifty-four seconds   already…

Keep scribblin’…Max tdc

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